Donors, funders and members subscribe to Cityside’s belief that promoting greater civic engagement and informed discourse is a direct route to better, more inclusive and healthier communities.
Cityside funders and supporters
More than $2,000,000
American Journalism Project
Google News Initiative
$100,000 – $999,999
Bass Austern Family Fund
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
Facebook Journalism Project
Barb and Andy Fremder
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Albert and Janice Meister Family Foundation
Mike and Teresa Olson
Stephen M. Silberstein Foundation
Stuart Foundation
Mark and Susan Stutzman
$10,000 – $99,999
Akonadi Foundation
An Anonymous Donor at The San Francisco Foundation
Astera Fund
Battery Powered
Gideon Bollag
California Endowment
James Canty
The Caswell Jin Foundation
Chavez Family Foundation
Data-Driven Reporting Project
Mr and Mrs Jonathan DeYoe
Jeanne Dinkelspiel
William H. Donner Foundation
Edward Dua and Nicole Wong
Deborah Farb and Eric Sippel
William Falik and Diana Cohen
Mary and Stan Friedman
Erica Grubb
Haney Family Charitable Fund
Hellman Foundation Fund
Paula Hughmanick and Steve Berger
Herrick and Elaine Jackson
Scott James
Charles and Laurie Kahn
Patrick Kennedy
The Kesel-Wickline Fund
Lesher Foundation
Michael Lewis and Tabitha Soren
Stephanie McKown and John Brennan
Manitou Fund
David Margulius
Richard Nagler and Sheila Sosnow
Evelyn Nussenbaum and Fred Vogelstein
Anne Pardee
The PG&E Corporation Foundation
Renaissance Journalism
Richard Robbins
Rockridge Fund
San Francisco Foundation
Stephen and Cindy Snow
Surtman Foundation
Taube Philanthropies
Alison Teeman and Michael Yovino-Young
Alan and Ruth Tobey
Jill Tonkin Finegold
Walnut Fund
Vita Wells
The Women’s Foundation California
Stephen Woodrow
Gordon and Evelyn Wozniak
The Yellow Chair Foundation
Stacey Zolt Hara
$1,000 – $9,999
Venkatesh Abboy
Larry Abel
Denise Abrams
Denny Abrams
Jonathan Adams
Ronald and Patricia Adler
Adobe corporate matching program
Gertrude Allen
Joaquin Alvarado
American Press Institute
Rachel Anderson and Sally McCoy
Trish Ang
Anonymous (In memory of Robert Mersfelder)
Apple corporate matching program
Donald Arbitblit and Jill Suttie
Ramon Ariza
Peter Ashbaugh
Terry and Barbara Atlas
Pete Babb
Mike and Linda Baker
Jonathan Bare
Penny Barron
Thomas Bates
Matt Beaumont-Gay
Jon Bendich
John Bendix
Leora Benioff
Mary Bergan
Betsy Bigelow-Teller
Susan Blew
John Bliss and Kim Thompson
Anne Bodel and Edward Hannemann
Douglas Booth and Margaret Simpson
Garrett Bourg
Jessica Broitman and Gibor Basri
Shawna and Daniel Brotsky
Amelia Bunch
Bonnie Burt and Mark Liss
John and Colleen Busch
Tristan Cameron
Susan Campodonico
John Caner and Paul Booth
Laurie Capitelli
Milton and Arlene Capsimalis
Kenneth Caruana
Bernadette Chi
Cynthia Chen
Terri Chytrowski
Zee and Jay Claiborne
George Clyde
Laurel Coates
David Cobb and Annette Doornbos
Jerry Cole
David Coleman
Penelope Cooper
The Charles Piper Cost Foundation
Simone Coxe
Karen Coyle
Tracy Craig
Marnie Crawford Samuelson
John Danner and Nancy Pietrafesa
Joshua Dapice
Diane Davenport
Narsai David
Davis Family Charitable Fund
Jeff Day
The Dido Fund
Steven Dinkelspiel
Andrea Dooley
Fred Dozier
Lori Droste
William Duhamel
John Ehrlich
Frederic Enea
Marilee Enge and George Frost
Jacob and Louise Epstein
Will Evers and Melinda Ellis Evers
Miranda Ewell
Excel Fund
Perry Gastis
The Gibbs Family Charitable Fund
Bruce Goldberg and Jana Good
Harvey Gould
Robert Fabry
Colleen Fain
Sara Fain
Steve Fainaru
Nancy Falk and Dick Cluster
Fan Family Charitable Fund
Chuck Fanning and Melinda Haag
Elizabeth Farnsworth
Lynn Feintech
Erin Felter
Anne and Russell Fernald
Lauren Fernandez
Fleishhacker Foundation
Fletcher Foundation
Colleen Fong
Mary Ford
Steve Fox
Mary Frank
Joan Fujii
Gordon Fulton
Daniel and Kate Funk
Graham Gardner
Beth Gerstein and Karen Bowen
Richard and Patricia Gibbs
Sarah Gill
Google corporate matching program
Justin Grant
Richard Grant
Marianna Green
Marian and Roger Gray
Pamela and Timothy Gray
Pamela Grossman
Margo Hackett and Robert Yagura
Sophie Hahn
Ann Harvey
Jack Heart
Ann Hecht
Frances Hellman and Warren Breslau
Susan Helmrich and Richard Levine
Hepner Xue Fund
Tom Herriman
Sheila and Ted Himmel
Carol Hirth
Karen Holtermann
Adam Hochschild
John and Barbara Holzrichter
Erika Houtz
Thomas Hoynes
Hua Hsu
Susan Hubl
Eric Huppert
Janet Huseby and Robert Smith
Alan Hyden
Frederick Isaac
Bill Issel
Ann Jensen
Lynn Jones-Fynn
Judith Justice
Eli Kane Fund
Lisa Katovich
Emilie Keas
Jesse Kellerman
Jonathan Khuner
Andy Kivel
Isaac Kos-Read
Sandy Koshkin
Bo Krause
Linda Kremer
Matthew Kretzer
Ruth Krishnan
Heather Kuiper
Lucy Kuntz
Dennis Kuo
Kyle Lamson
Lappen Family Foundation
Laura Leaverton
Eleanore Lee
Elizabeth Lee-Egan
Rochelle Lefkowitz
Leo J Celia Carlin Fund
Ryan Lester
Nick Levinson
Peter Levitt
Deborah Lewis
Robert Lewis
Ben Liaw
John Lineweaver
Steven Lipson
Cynthia LLoyd
Doug Love
Judith Lubman
Katrina Lundstedt
Bobby and Elizabeth Lutzker
Lymburn/Kelly Family
Martinez Family Charitable Fund
Sheila McCormick and Paul Herzmark
McGuinn Family Fund
Charles McKinley
Kirk McKusick
Jack and Barbara McPhail
Olivia Ma
Eric Leo Mannes
Helen Marcus
Richard Marcus
Natalie Martina
Emily and Stephen Mendel
Cathy and Gary Meyer
Samuel Miller and Maude Pervere
Heather Mirjahangir
Meridee Moore
James Morgan
Dennis Mulqueeney and Patricia Rossi
Judith Myers
Roger Myers
Julie Nachtwey
Network for Good
Audre and Roger Newman Fund
Will Newman
Nicole Nguyen
Doug Ng and Theo Posselt
James Novosel
Oracle corporate matching program
Stuart Ozer
Jennifer Pahlka
Julie Palley
Anne and Michael Parish
Shyam Patel and Jill Kunishima
Ellen Pechman
Peleh Fund
Hilary Perkins
Jessica Pers and Robert Stein
Anthony and Sally Petru
Jeanie Phan
Diane Plank
Michael Pollan and Judith Belzer
Jane and Paul Quiring
Ramya Raghavan
Emily Ramshaw
Sarah and Mike Ranney
Jon Ransohoff
George Rehm
Ren Winkler Giving Fund
Mark and Erin Rhoades
Jesse Rhodes
Audrey Richards
Denis Ring
Alan and Cheryl Rinzler
Robert Roat
John Roberts
Louise Rothman-Riemer
David Ruegg
James Rutherford
Steve Sachs and Michelle Lynn-Sachs
Alan and Nancy Saldich
Frank Sally
The Sand Foundation
Elizabeth Sawi
Linda Schacht
Susan Schwartz
Thomas C Schwartzburg
Ira and Carol Serkes
Michael Shaw and Sara Warshaw
Randy Shaw
Vicki Shu
Dan Siegel
Richard Simon
Satch Slavin
Fran Smallson and Christopher Jackson
Jeanne Smith
David Snippen
Shelby and Vicki Solomon
Bill Somerville
David and Brynne Staley
Robert and Jordan Stark
Frances and Randolph Starn
Barbara Steuart
Paul and Andrea Swenson
Miye Takagi
Marcia Tanner
Kat Taylor
Susan Taylor
Stephen Teigland
The One Four Five Fund
Erin and John Thornton
The Tidewater Rise Fund
Ama Torrance
Elsa Tranter
William and Micki Turner
Michael Ubell
Sarah Van Roo
Jennifer Vetter
Kathryn Vizas
Charlotte von der Hude
Carol Walb
Marilyn Waldman
Dorothy Walker
Myrna Walton
Trudy Ward
Wareham Development
Mal Warwick
Steve Wasserman
Adam Weisberg
Dana Welch and Scott Adams
Jennifer Werner
Beany Wezelman
Dan White
Jay Wiedwald
Greg Wolfe
Andrew Wu
Randy Wu
Ray Yep
Mitch Zeemont and Laura Blair
Olivier Zyngier
Prior to the formation of Cityside as a nonprofit, Berkeleyside raised more than $1 million in 2016-18 from its readers in an innovative direct public offering. We refer to these key supporters as Cityside’s Foundation Members, and we are forever grateful for their pledge of support.
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